Bake twist bread in our fire place

At Albertinelund Camping we have a bonfire area, where the inhabitants regularly bake twist bread.

We arrange twist bread baking

The arrangement is both for children and adults. Twist bread baking is cozy for children and adults in all ages, and the children get new friends fast around the bonfire, which they can play with – and then there is nothing as good as twist bread which you have made oneself over a hot bonfire.

We have sticks and dough. It is, therefore, only you, the family and the friends who must show up and participate in the cozy arrangement.

We have for many years held these arrangements and it has always been a good place to meet the other inhabitants and hear a bit about where they come from.

At the site map you can see where the fire place is located. The fire place is located close to the number 10, see the map here.

Twist bread baking for all ages

Twist bread baking is cozy for children and adults in all ages, and the children get new friends fast around the bonfire whom they can play with.

Bring the whole family and come down and bake twist bread together with us.

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